Hunter Safety Information
Congratulations to these 3 boys! They are moving on to Sectionals!!!
Spartan helmet construction project created in Mr. Quinnell's Pirate Power Up.
Just a reminder that the Perkinstown permission slips and money are due in the office by Wednesday, February 7.
There will be no school for students on Friday, February 9 due to Teacher Inservices.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, February 7 from 4:00-7:30 p.m. Teachers will be in their classrooms.
Just a reminder that the Gilman’s 8th Grade High School Information Night is tonight - 2/5/18 @7:00pm in the library. This is tailored to 8th grade students and their parents, but all students and families are welcome to join!!
We will have 2 referendum informational meetings this week.
The first one will be before the girls basketball game on Tuesday, February 6 @ 6:00 pm in the Gilman High School Commons.
The second will be during Parent Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, February 7 from 5:00 - 7:30 pm.
LOA meeting tomorrow for all interested students grades 7-12. Please share and pass information along to your children. This will be a new leadership training and unlike the past training, open to junior high students. Check out our Facebook page to watch the video.
Girls Alumni game
Box top competition sponsored by the Gilman PTO!
The Girls JV game has been cancelled for tonight. The Varsity will play at 7:15. We are asking all Alumni to be here around 6:15. THANKS!!
The HS Girls game against Spencer has been cancelled for tonight and rescheduled for the 30th.
All Middle School and Elementary after school activities are cancelled for today. January 23, 2018.
GILMAN SCHOOL DISTRICT is closed Tuesday, January 23, 2018 due to road conditions.
We will make a decision regarding evening activities by 10:00 am. Please watch for updates.
Thank you
GILMAN SCHOOL DISTRICT is closed today, January 22, 2018 due to weather. This cancellation includes all afterschool and evening activities.
Friday, January 26th is Gilman Girls basketball alumni night in honor of the 100 year anniversary of the school. All former players and coaches are invited to the game and will be introduced between the JV and Varsity game. Come and reminisce with former teammates. Refreshments will be served after the game in the Commons.
5th-12th Grade Students and Families
You are invited to the Rescheduled Gilman 8th Grade High School Information Night!
When: February 5, 2018 @ 7:00pm
Where: Gilman School District Library
Please join Mr. Hess and Mrs. LaMarche to learn about the many educational opportunities available to all students at the Gilman High School!
Though this information night is specifically tailored to 8th grade students and their parents, all students and families are welcome to join!!
Girls Basketball for Thursday, 1-18-18. JV Cancelled Varsity @ 6:30 start time.
Movie Night!!!